Hello World,
My name is Jack Flannery, another software dev, who decided to take up blogging. And I did what no one advised ever, I wrote my own blogging software. I could have grabbed wordpress or one of the many other great blogging platforms out there, but instead I spent several months creating, first an API for the blog, then an Ember front end. Why? it was fun...
What will I be writing about you ask? Good question.
I'll mostly be writing about web API's and front end frameworks and the marriage between the two. My primary weapons of choice in my day job at this time are Ruby on Rails for writing web API's and React/Redux and friends as a front end framework, so I will often write about those. But I also look forward to writing about similar frameworks; Node.js and Elixir come to mind for the back end. This blog is an Ember app so I might write about that framework sometimes. Also currently interested in Vue.js and Elm.